Wednesday, March 11, 2009

new entry: jan.21.2009

JANUARY 21 2009
We started the 3 weeks of “song writing and recording”
1 day down (put number her) 2 go
Todays was actually OK. It was kinda weird in the morning though. Everyone was really non-talkative. It doesn't really matter since we went 2 watch obama at 10. “Those 3” are so dumb. I was in the room creaking jokes with them for part of “it”. I did go watch obama get sworn in and give his speech. It was pretty cool since we had the big screens and everything.

OK so I wrote that 1.21. 09
thats the same day u know who went into office. Oh n since im at it......
lol sorry had 2 say it. OK well if u don't know already I go 2 a performing arts school. We do things a lot different from other schools. For one most high schools have 4 semesters. We however only have 2. Since you cant split the school year into 2 even parts we have this thing called (u say it this way) PIE-DAY-UH. Thats the 3 week grace period between semesters. For that theres a bunch of different clubs and stuff and you pick the 3 u want 2 be in most. You get put into one of those and thats what you do all day for the next 3 weeks. Its way more fun than it sounds. You can go watch the dancers and plays being worked on and what not. U don't just stay in one room all. Week. This is getting long I think im a stop here. I didn't notice how long it was cause I was typing mad fast. Lol

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ok so i dont write on here when i have the lil note book with me
now i wana post the stuff n i cant find the damn thing .....ugh!
ilol find it n post 2marrow- or later......depends on when i find it...lolz

ok so....

ok so i dont reay right on this thing. I dont realy have readers so idk whi im say sorry2 but "sorry" lol ok so this is what ima a do-

1- i started this
2- im going 2 post a whole bunch of stuff
3- make utube vids of me singing then i can promote this or w/e
4- post my songs on the net

sound like a plan?....wait...... whos going 2 anser tha? of course it is- ignore the crazy girl- ....lmao